Are you a perfectionist?

Throw back post



I used to be a perfectionist always wanting to get everything right, I wanted to be good at anything I was doing, not just being good at it but being the best at it. I wanted to always come top of the class and anything less than that made me depressed, I always push myself to accomplish a lot, little did I know I was making myself unhappy, all that competition made me feel less than I was, inadequate and insecure. Although people praised me for my achievements, I wanted more accomplishments, more praise and approval from people.

A perfectionist wants every aspect of his or her life to be perfect, their relationships have to be perfect hence they find it hard to accept that people have flaws and should be tolerated, being perfect means you want things to come out excellent but you can’t expect this of every individual…

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The first time I came across golden melon was when a pharmacy student  who was a friend of mine was using it for her school project, I wondered what kind of fruit it was, it looked like a grape at first appearance but on cutting it open it had this milky look about it, I love the fragrance of the seeds it reminds me of bananas. Anyway when I tasted it I was hooked and from then on, I have been incorporating it in my fruit salad. Aside its great taste, golden melon has a lot of health benefits as it is rich in a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Here are 12 Health Benefits of Golden Melon

 (1) Just like water melon, golden melon contains about 90%  water and is good for hydrating the body system which in turn gives you a healthy glow.

(2) Golden melon is ideal for with weight loss as it is only contains 60 calories per cup.

(3) Golden melon contains copper which helps in skin regeneration which leaves your skin shinning and supple.

(4) Golden melon contains Potassium which helps to decrease high blood pressure.

(5) It contains folic acid which promotes fetal health, making it ideal for preconception care.

(6) It is rich in vitamin C which boosts the immune system and prevents you from coming down with infections.

(7) Golden melon Protects eyesight, it contains an antioxidant Zeaxanthin which protects the macular of the eye.

(8) Golden melon prevents constipation, it is in rich fiber which is known to ease constipation and also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

(9) It is a source of B vitamins- Thiamin and Niacin; these are important anti-oxidants that keep your system toxin free.

(10) Golden melon contains no Carbohydrates and zero cholesterol which means diabetic and hypertensive patients can enjoy it as well.

(11) Golden melon contains calcium; a mineral which is important for building healthy bones and teeth.

(12) Golden melon helps to prevent Anemia, it is rich in folate which is required in the production of red blood cells in our body; consumption of Golden melon will therefore help in the prevention of anemia.

N:B Picking golden melon at the market has been like lotto lottery for me, sometimes i hit the mark and get really tasty ones while sometimes they are not so delicious, am sure i will get the hang of picking the really sweet ones very soon. But if you pick one that is bland and not so tasty don’t give up they are not all like that.

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​THE 48 LAWS OF POWER (Book Review)


Power has always been one of the most craved commodities throughout history from the cave man to the screen swiping man. Time has not depleted man’s thirst for power. Robert Greene the author of the book  “The 48 Laws of Power” doesn’t just give us a peek into the minds of some of the most powerful people in history, he is generous and explicit about the workings of  the canny , intelligent, ruthless and crafty minds of this  great men  and women . The book has a rich cultural diversity as the author regales the reader with stories from different parts of the world.

Sincerely when I first saw the book the title alone put me off, it sounded like a book for power crazy people who only seek to control and manipulate others. But soon enough my perspective changed and I decided it would be good to equip myself with this knowledge. Human behavior is complex and sometimes unpredictable; as I read the book I began to understand the behavior of those around me in relation to power and manipulation and most importantly the motives behind those behaviors.

People who need to read this book


People in politics, Civil servants, Corporate executives, Entrepreneurs, Anyone in people service (Nurses, sales men etc), Religious leaders.



Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please or impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite that is inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.


When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say the more common you appear and the less in control. Even if you are saying something banal, it would seem more original if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinxlike. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.


Be mindful how you use the information in this book, it’s quite unfortunate that good folks might be skeptical about the book and not read it. I beg you! open your mind and equip yourself while still holding on to your core values, use it as a defense because while you ignore books like the 48 laws of power, someone out there is not only reading The 48 Laws of Power but also developing strategies to outwit and outsmart you.

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